Adarsh Dubey - Computer Science Engineering Student

Adarsh Dubey

Computer Science Engineering Student & Aspiring Full-Stack Developer

About Me

Hi, I'm Adarsh Dubey, a passionate computer science engineering student with a focus on web development and problem-solving. I'm on a mission to create innovative solutions that make a real impact.

Technical Skills

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Python, Django
  • Programming: C, Java
  • Other: Responsive Design, Problem Solving

My Journey

From exploring basic coding concepts to creating functional web applications, every challenge has been a stepping stone in my growth. I'm constantly learning and improving my skills through hands-on projects and collaborative work.

Beyond Coding

When I'm not programming, I focus on:

  • Physical fitness and wellness
  • Improving communication skills
  • Healthy living and nutrition
  • Connecting with tech enthusiasts
Contact Me